Yet another language battle. This time, it’s R vs. Python. Or was that Python vs. R? A Huge Debate: R vs. Python for Data Science I don’t know R, so I cannot comment on this one.
Tag: python
Just found this Python 3 implementation for micro controllers. MicroPython – Python for microcontrollers
A Dramatic Tour through Python’s Data Visualization Landscape (including ggplot and Altair) — Regress to Impress
Why Even Try, Man? I recently came upon Brian Granger and Jake VanderPlas’s Altair, a promising young visualization library. Altair seems well-suited to addressing Python’s ggplot envy, and its tie-in with JavaScript’s Vega-Lite grammar means that as the latter develops new functionality (e.g., tooltips […]
Static types in Python
Tim Abbott, lead developer of the Zulip open source project, thinks they are good. Static types in Python, oh my(py)! Umm, I’m not sure about this.
Intel Distribution for Python
On September 8, 2016, Intel announced the first product release of Intel® Distribution for Python. Intel supports Python to make it utilize latest processor tricks for big data / data science.
Use Python for Machine Learning
If you plan to do something with machine learning, you might want to read this interview with Adam Geitgey, Director of Software Engineering at Groupon. “Python is the most popular programming language today for machine learning” I think Python is a very good choice to […]
Python-Umzug nach GitHub soll bis Ende 2016 abgeschlossen sein
“In seiner PyCon-Keynote gab Python-Erfinder Guido van Rossum Details zum zeitlichen Horizont des Umzugs der Entwicklungsarbeiten der Programmiersprache bekannt.” Copyright © 2016 Heise Medien
“Biopython is a set of freely available tools for biological computation written in Python by an international team of developers.”
About Python 3 and unicode/str/bytes
You might want to read this interesting article about Python 3 and unicode/str/bytes. Why Python 3 exists Or, the whole unicode/str/bytes thing was done for a reason Brett Cannon Python core developer.
Amazon Web Services: Lambda-Dienst unterstützt Python
“Den Cloud-Dienst, der im November 2014 als Service für mit Node.js betriebene JavaScript-Anwendungen gestartet wurde, können nun auch Python-Entwickler nutzen. Außerdem lässt sich hiermit nun der AWS-Dienst Virtual Private Cloud nutzen.” –
Programmiersprache: Python 3.5 erschienen
“Ein neuer Operator für Matrix-Multiplikationen, eine Unpacking-Syntax für Containertypen, Coroutinen mit den Schlüsselwörtern async und await sowie einiges andere mehr sind in anderthalb Jahren Arbeit beim neuen größeren Python-Release zusammengekommen.”
Python 3.5.0 has been released
Python 3.5.0 has been released –
Python 3.5.0b3 was released on July 5th, 2015
Python 3.5.0b3 was released on July 5th, 2015. –
Python 3.5 b2 out for testing – https…
Python 3.5 b2 out for testing –