Mozilla Iodide / Python vs R

Eine interessante Meldung. Mozilla Iodide muss ich unbedingt einmal ausprobieren. Data Science: Mozilla bringt ein webbasiertes Tool zur Datenanalyse Iodide ermöglicht das Erstellen interaktiver Datendiagramme mit JavaScript, CSS und HTML sowie Python. Von Rainald Menge-Sonnentag,, Copyright © 2019 Heise Medien. Falls jemand Vergleiche […]

Associative Arrays

When working with associative arrays in Python, I wonder how these work in other languages. Especially functional programming languages. For example, one would create a dictionary, as associative arrays are called in Python, as follows. >>> dic = {'foo': 42, 'bar': 43}>>> dic{'foo': 42, […]

Lambda Expressions

In Python you can use lambda expressions to avoid the creation of temporary, one-time use functions. Look at the following example. def power(x): return x**2 l1 = map(power, range(4)) If you don’t need the power() function in another place, it’s a bit annoying to […]

On list comprehensions II

In my previous blog entry, I shared some findings on creating lists with list comprehensions. I had a further look on this and how to use map and filter functions for list creation with list comprehensions. For example, in Python you can map a […]

On list comprehensions

I first read about list comprehensions when I started with Python. One application of list comprehensions is to avoid loops. A very simple example in Python would be as follows. l1 = [] for i in range(5): l1.append(i) print(l1) l2 = [x for x in […]

Use Vim as a Python IDE

Liu-Cheng Xu writes about using Vim as a Python IDE. how to use vim as a python ide Can not wait to try this. Thanks for sharing.

Go, run(s) Python

Google created a Python runtime in Go. Grumpy: Go running Python! Oh, no Python 3. 🙁 PS: auf in Deutsch:

Languages For Machine Learning

Article on IBM developerWorks about languages for machine learning. The Most Popular Language For Machine Learning Is … Looks like Python, R and Java are a good choice.

Make music with Python

Check out this article on Flexatone HFP, if you want to make music  Python. Python Systems for Algorithmic Composition and Computational Musicology I need some free time to try this.

Python 3 vs. Python 2

Not only we have language battles, but version battles too! The (lack of a) case against Python 3 It’s Python, Not Python 2, Not Python 3! Well, I don’t know much about the differences between 3 and 2. But I can image […]