Old Geek (aka Programmer)

Maybe this is just happy coincidence, but I continue stumbling over articles about old programmers. John Wheeler even created an online job search for old programmers. Old Geek Jobs https://www.indiehackers.com/businesses/old-geek-jobs Looks like there’s some demand.

More Old Programmers

Recently, I read an article by Ben Northrop. About old programmers. Meaning over 40. Now I came across an article of this topic by Neil McAllister on InfoWorld. Where do all the old programmers go? http://www.infoworld.com/article/2617093/it-careers/it-careers-where-do-all-the-old-programmers-go.html Interestingly, he too uses the age limit of 40.


After reading the following article, More software engineers over age 40 may join a lawsuit against Google https://www.yahoo.com/amphtml/finance/news/more-software-engineers-over-age-195308179.html I still don’t know if Google supports software engineers over age 40, or not.

Old Programmers

If you are an old programmer, meaning over 40, I recommend the following article from Ben Northrop to you. Reflections of an “Old” Programmer http://www.bennorthrop.com/Essays/2016/reflections-of-an-old-programmer.php Make sure you read the comments too. People over 60 and still programming. Whoa. I just feel old when working at […]

Fun or silence?

GeekWire has an interesting article about developer workplaces. Joel Spolsky recommends private offices or home office for developers to concentrate over fun places with ping-pong and lounges. Just shut up and let your devs concentrate, advises Stack Overflow CEO Joel Spolsky http://www.geekwire.com/2016/just-shut-let-devs-concentrate-programming-expert-advises/amp/ I prefer silence […]

Programming proficiency

O’Reilly has a nice article about programming proficiency written by Gregory Brown. The traits of a proficient programmer Bridging the gap between competence and proficiency https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/the-traits-of-a-proficient-programmer I think he describes the T-shaped professional that human resources folks love so much. Pick a small number of specific skills […]

Being A Developer After 40 – Medium

You might want to read the following article on Medium.com about being a developer after 40. I don’t agree with everything in this article, but it is an interesting read anyway. “Being A Developer After 40” https://medium.com/@akosma/being-a-developer-after-40-3c5dd112210c#.9z0wl8wjf