Eine interessante Meldung. Mozilla Iodide muss ich unbedingt einmal ausprobieren. Data Science: Mozilla bringt ein webbasiertes Tool zur Datenanalyse Iodide ermöglicht das Erstellen interaktiver Datendiagramme mit JavaScript, CSS und HTML sowie Python. Von Rainald Menge-Sonnentag, https://heise.de/-4335254, Copyright © 2019 Heise Medien. Falls jemand Vergleiche […]
Tag: javascript
Programming Languages Rankings
Interesting thoughts on Ranking Programming Languages by Ben Frederickson. Ranking Programming Languages by GitHub Users https://www.benfrederickson.com/ranking-programming-languages-by-github-users/ Will everything be JavaScript in the future? Oh my! Let’s hope TypeScript will make it.
Replace JavaScript
Every time I read articles like the following from John Ankarström, I wonder why JavaScript is (still) so popular. Let’s Replace JavaScript with Something Better https://john.ankarstrom.se/english/texts/replacing-javascript/ Well, to be honest, I haven’t done bigger projects in JavaScript yet. So I do not really know how […]
Small modules vs. standard library
Read about small modules vs. standard library in the following blog post from Atlassian developer Will Binns-Smith. https://developer.atlassian.com/blog/2015/11/what-the-web-platform-can-learn-from-nodejs/ I found this an interesting read. Always remember to abstract from standard libraries in your application code.
Editors in the cloud(s)
With more and more things moving into the cloud, you can now find a bunch of online editors for your favourite language. I told you about Plunker in a recent post. But there’s more. jsFiddle – another web IDE for JavaScript SQL Fiddle – […]
JavaScript, Node.js, npm, Express, oh my…
Some time ago I became interested in Node.js. “Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment for developing server-side web applications.” (Node.js. (2015, September 17). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 09:43, September 20, 2015, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Node.js&oldid=681558515). Well, I just became interested in Node.js because […]
The Plunker Web IDE
I have just discovered Plunker. “Plunker is an online community for creating, collaborating on and sharing your web development ideas. Real-time code collaboration Fully-featured, customizable syntax editor Live previewing of code changes As-you-type code linting Forking, commenting and sharing of Plunks Fully open-source on […]
Defining JavaScript functions
In JavaScript, you can create a function in two ways. First way is to use a function statement and it is similar to what is use in other programming languages. function hello() { alert("hello"); } hello(); Here we define function hello and call the […]
Using Processing.js to draw in your browser
Today I had a look at the JavaScript library Processing.js. You can use this library to draw in your browser using the Processing language. For example, you create the following simple HTML page and save it as processing.htm. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> […]