Interesting post about generative art with Haskell by Benjamin Kovach. Make sure you read the referenced article by Tyler Hobbs about writing Processing code through Quil in Clojure as well.
Tag: clojure
crepl for ClojureScript
Gijs Stuurman writes about ClojureScript. crepl: Write and run ClojureScript code together Interesting. First time I hear about ClojureScript.
Deep Learning in Clojure With Cortex
Carin Meier has an article about the Cortex library. Deep Learning in Clojure With Cortex Looks like I need to have a look at Clojure again.
Deep Learning in Clojure With Cortex
Nice example for deep learning with Clojure by Carin Meier. Deep Learning in Clojure With Cortex I need more free time to explore all this good stuff.
Clojure Advocacy
Clojure advocacy article by Robert Cecil Martin. Why Clojure is better than C, Python,Ruby and java and why should you care Lisp on JVM is better than Lisp on it’s own VM? I don’t get it.