This article about senior developers will make you think. Developers — here is the best WHY to quit your 9–5 job Software Engineering is dead-end career, employability decline at the age of 35 — says Bloomberg. Written by Pen Magnet This article has […]
Tag: blue-collar-coding
Programmierer gesucht
Hhm. Gibt es jetzt zu wenige Programmierer, so das Tim Cook schon auf Schüler und Studenten zurückgreifen muss… Apple-Chef: Vier Jahre an der Uni für Entwickler unnötig Tim Cook will junge Leute schneller in die IT holen. Aktuelle Bildungsansätze hält er für überholt. […]
The long, slow, rotten march of progress | The Outline Nice rant about recent teach-everyone-and-the-pope-coding movement by big cooperations that are desperate for staff.
Teach prisoners how to code?
Interesting article about US states that ban programming books in prisons. Well, why not let them code. They want to socialize these people and have them find jobs.
Coding is not fun
Very interesting article on Quartz about coding in general. Coding is not “fun,” it’s technically and ethically complex “[…] by expanding the labor pool, keeps industry ticking over and wages under control.” Shhh! Nobody needs to hear this.
Veterans Want to Code
Interesting article by Andrew Zaleski about retired or retiring military personnel that want to code. Thousands of Veterans Want to Learn to Code — But Can’t Yet another indication for blue collar coding? I think so.
Joe Average Programmer
Tony You wrote an article about average programmers. Programming Doesn’t Require Talent or Even Passion Let’s hope the human resources people read this.
Blue-Collar Job Coding
Found this very interesting article on Wired. The Next Big Blue-Collar Job Is Coding Yep. I totally agree. Coding courses are everywhere.