Software Complexity Is Killing Us

I like this article by Justin Etheredge. However, I doubt that the software industry will ever change. Let’s face it, industrial software development is just like that.

I think that one of the problems is that most product owners or product managers want to get features for their money. It’s already difficult to get agreement from them to reduce technical risk. It’s even more difficult to get agreement to remove features to reduce complexity.

Wettrennen ins All: 65 Firmen wollen Raketen für kleine Satelliten bauen | heise online

Noch mehr Weltraumschrott. Wann kümmert sich Mal jemand um das Aufräumen?

100. Todestag des Mathematikers Georg Cantor – Der Begründer der Mengenlehre

Ah. Mengenlehre. Ich erinnere mich an kleine Plastikplättchen in der Schule. Rote Quadrate, grüne Kreise und gelbe Dreiecke. Alle haben sich aufgeregt, will man die kaufen musste.

Getting Started with Docker

I have just finished a nice little Docker tutorial from Taylor Lovett. If you are just getting started with Docker, then I recommend you have a look at his tutorial.

I’m using Docker on Ubuntu, by the way. Here’s a tutorial specifically for Ubuntu.

Ein Tutorial auf Deutsch: Grundkurs Docker –

Newfound Wormhole Allows Information to Escape Black Holes | Quanta Magazine

Not an easy read. But worth it. German version: