Speeding up development with Haskell

Interesting article from Chris Done about speeding up development with Haskell.

Mastering Time-to-Market with Haskell

However, I wonder what the author thinks are Haskells “competitors”. I don’t like this competition.

Usability of Programming Languages and Programming Paradigms

Interesting article by Dan Ghica about usability of programming languages and programming paradigms.

What else are we getting wrong?

As long as humans do the programming, there will always be religious wars, I think.

Squeak Turns 20! — The Weekly Squeak

Please Donate to Squeak! Craig Latta writes: Hi all– Happy 20th birthday to us! It was twenty years ago that Dan Ingalls and the rest of Alan Kay’s team announced Squeak to the world. You really changed things with this run at the fence. 🙂 Thanks again! Back to the Future The Story of […]

über Squeak Turns 20! — The Weekly Squeak

Project delays and Software Estimation

Christian Maioli Mackeprang writes about software estimation.

Project delays: why good software estimates are impossible

He talks about the problem of estimating the implementation. But I think the bigger problem are missing requirements. How to estimate if people have no idea what they want?

More Old Programmers

Recently, I read an article by Ben Northrop. About old programmers. Meaning over 40. Now I came across an article of this topic by Neil McAllister on InfoWorld.

Where do all the old programmers go?

Interestingly, he too uses the age limit of 40.

Happy Birthday Fortran!

Fortran wird 60. Und ist in guter Verfassung.

1957 betrat die erste höhere Programmiersprache die öffentliche Bühne, im Oktober 1956 jedoch wurde schon eine erste Beschreibung von Fortran veröffentlicht, die nun demnach ihr 60-jähriges Jubiläum feiert.


Auf die nächsten 60 Jahre! 🙂