No surprises here, to be honest.
Category: Coding
Tech’s push to teach coding isn’t about kids’ success – it’s about cutting wages | Technology | The Guardian Oh, really? Who would have thought that!
Functional Programming in Haskell: Supercharge Your Coding
Today I will start another programming course at FutureLearn. The course is named “Functional Programming in Haskell: Supercharge Your Coding” and it looks interesting. Here is a short description of the course: “On this introductory course, you will discover the power, elegance and simplicity […]
Developer Testing
Teach prisoners how to code?
Interesting article about US states that ban programming books in prisons. Well, why not let them code. They want to socialize these people and have them find jobs.
Caffeine :: Livecode the Web!
15 minutes machine learning with Python
Nice intro tutorial.
Instagram Makes a Smooth Move to Python 3 – The New Stack
Whoa. I didn’t know that Instagram is running on Python. I’m impressed.
Is Software Engineering Possible?
Coding is not fun
Very interesting article on Quartz about coding in general. Coding is not “fun,” it’s technically and ethically complex “[…] by expanding the labor pool, keeps industry ticking over and wages under control.” Shhh! Nobody needs to hear this.
Dynamic Dispatch in Haskell
I found this article about Dynamic Dispatch in Haskell. Dynamic Dispatch in Haskell, or: How Can I Make My Code Extendable? Not an easy read. Too much for me at this time.
About Teaching Haskell
Steven Syrek writes about how he teaches Haskell. Some Notes on Haskell Pedagogy I want to try this.
Veterans Want to Code
Interesting article by Andrew Zaleski about retired or retiring military personnel that want to code. Thousands of Veterans Want to Learn to Code — But Can’t Yet another indication for blue collar coding? I think so.