SBCL 1.2.15, released August 30, 2015 –
Category: Coding
Smalltalks 2015 Buenos Aires
Squeak 5 is out!
Wieder mal wächst Emacs über sich selbst hinaus
Wieder mal wächst Emacs über sich selbst hinaus: EXWM erweitert den Texteditor um einen X-Window-Manager für Linux. Einfach so. –
Steel Bank Common Lisp 1.2.14, released July 29, 2015 – http://sbcl…
Steel Bank Common Lisp 1.2.14, released July 29, 2015 –
Defining JavaScript functions
In JavaScript, you can create a function in two ways. First way is to use a function statement and it is similar to what is use in other programming languages. function hello() { alert("hello"); } hello(); Here we define function hello and call the […]
Check out the New Squeak Website
Python 3.5.0b3 was released on July 5th, 2015
Python 3.5.0b3 was released on July 5th, 2015. –
Steel Bank Common Lisp 1.2.13, released June 28, 2015 – http://sbcl…
Steel Bank Common Lisp 1.2.13, released June 28, 2015 –
Using Processing.js to draw in your browser
Today I had a look at the JavaScript library Processing.js. You can use this library to draw in your browser using the Processing language. For example, you create the following simple HTML page and save it as processing.htm. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> […]
Python 3.5 b2 out for testing – https…
Python 3.5 b2 out for testing –
Using Pythons matplotlib
I had a look at the python 2D plotting library matplotlib. For more information about this library, you might want to have a look at the corresponding Wikipedia article. I’m looking for a way to make simple plots from x,y value pairs and it […] to use gitlab
CMUCL announcement: “ has been slowing transitioning services to use gitlab. The transition is pretty much done, and cmucl is now officially at The ticket system and wiki is still using, but we hope to migrate that to gitlab as well.”