Being A Developer After 40 – Medium

You might want to read the following article on about being a developer after 40. I don’t agree with everything in this article, but it is an interesting read anyway. “Being A Developer After 40”


“Sketch is a Common Lisp environment for the creation of electronic art, visual design, game prototyping, game making, computer graphics, exploration of human-computer interaction and more. It is inspired by Processing Language and shares some of the API.”


“Biopython is a set of freely available tools for biological computation written in Python by an international team of developers.”

About Python 3 and unicode/str/bytes

You might want to read this interesting article about Python 3 and unicode/str/bytes. Why Python 3 exists Or, the whole unicode/str/bytes thing was done for a reason Brett Cannon Python core developer.  

Small modules vs. standard library

Read about small modules vs. standard library in the following blog post from Atlassian developer Will Binns-Smith. I found this an interesting read. Always remember to abstract from standard libraries in your application code.