Crew Dragon von SpaceX erreicht ISS

Raumstation „ISS“: Kapsel von SpaceX dockt erfolgreich an – SpaceX-Kapsel erreicht ISS – Crew Dragon: Puppe in SpaceX-Raumschiff erreicht Internationale Raumstation – Musks Raumfrachter angedockt –

Associative Arrays

When working with associative arrays in Python, I wonder how these work in other languages. Especially functional programming languages. For example, one would create a dictionary, as associative arrays are called in Python, as follows. >>> dic = {'foo': 42, 'bar': 43}>>> dic{'foo': 42, […]

Lambda Expressions

In Python you can use lambda expressions to avoid the creation of temporary, one-time use functions. Look at the following example. def power(x): return x**2 l1 = map(power, range(4)) If you don’t need the power() function in another place, it’s a bit annoying to […]

On list comprehensions II

In my previous blog entry, I shared some findings on creating lists with list comprehensions. I had a further look on this and how to use map and filter functions for list creation with list comprehensions. For example, in Python you can map a […]

On list comprehensions

I first read about list comprehensions when I started with Python. One application of list comprehensions is to avoid loops. A very simple example in Python would be as follows. l1 = [] for i in range(5): l1.append(i) print(l1) l2 = [x for x in […]

Arrays and lists in F#

Recently, while exploring the capabilities of the F# programming language, I stumbled over the syntax for array creation and accessing elements of arrays. It looks like this. let array = [|"foo"; "bar"; "baz"|] printfn "%A" (array.[0]) Two things I find remarkable here. First, the […]

Programming Languages Rankings

Interesting thoughts on Ranking Programming Languages by Ben Frederickson. Ranking Programming Languages by GitHub Users Will everything be JavaScript in the future? Oh my! Let’s hope TypeScript will make it.

The problem with programming

Jonathan Edwards thinks he knows what the problem with programming is and what can be done about this problem. The problem with programming and how to fix it I think industrial software development will always be a problem. You might want to read […]

Hello World on z/OS

Marianne Bellotti writes about mainframes. Hello World on z/OS I completely agree that ISPF is weird. 🙂


“Ein mathematisches Resultat zeigt: Selbst ein unendlich schneller klassischer Computer kann dem Quantenrechner nicht das Wasser reichen.” Wann kann man die Dinger endlich kaufen?

Tourismus, Rohstoffe und Fortpflanzung im Weltraum

Amazon im Weltraum? Lieber nicht. Kann ich mir ohnehin nicht leisten. Ab ins Weltall – Jeff Bezos bietet Flüge zum Discount-Preis Bergbau im Weltraum? Warum nicht. Mal schauen, ob wir’s diesmal schaffen, dabei keine Sauerei zu machen. Deutschland verschläft die Chancen der kosmischen […]