About Python 3 and unicode/str/bytes

You might want to read this interesting article about Python 3 and unicode/str/bytes. Why Python 3 exists Or, the whole unicode/str/bytes thing was done for a reason Brett Cannon Python core developer. http://www.snarky.ca/why-python-3-exists  

Small modules vs. standard library

Read about small modules vs. standard library in the following blog post from Atlassian developer Will Binns-Smith. https://developer.atlassian.com/blog/2015/11/what-the-web-platform-can-learn-from-nodejs/ I found this an interesting read. Always remember to abstract from standard libraries in your application code.

Software Developers’ Growing Elitism Problem

Cahlan Sharp writes in TechCrunch about elitism in software development. Interesting read. http://techcrunch.com/2015/11/27/software-developers-growing-elitism-problem/ I wonder if this is specific to software development. Doesn’t every job has its elite? I mean, there are elite designers and elite bankers. Humans want to differentiate themself. Nobody wants […]

Are programmers engineers?

Wired has an interesting article that discusses the question “what makes an engineer an engineer?” Programmers, Let’s Earn the Right to Be Called Engineers – http://www.wired.com/2015/11/programmers-lets-earn-the-right-to-be-called-engineers/ I think that it is not easy to answer this question, as there are many different programmers out […]

Editors in the cloud(s)

With more and more things moving into the cloud, you can now find a bunch of online editors for your favourite language. I told you about Plunker in a recent post. But there’s more. jsFiddle – another web IDE for JavaScript SQL Fiddle – […]