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  1. another one of these. its alright, the more scrutiny silicon valley gets the better, because what *they* really want is to drive the salary of coders down:

    however, i take issue with this:

    But something’s missing. Code what? To do what? And why?

    In New Orleans, at this month’s Collision conference — America’s fastest-growing tech expo, a vast temple for our infinitarian demiurge, frantically creating a world it does not understand — I discovered the answer: nobody really knows.

    first of all, *i know.* i can answer that question (and i suppose i ought to, it would be a great thing to post about.) but theres even a good reason to leave it unanswered, and id like to try to explain that as well.

    more importantly, the techno-utopian bs the article addresses is silicon valley mythology, the technical side of “anything you want, anything you need, we will make it so its a one-click purchase away!” OF COURSE NOT– thats ridiculous.

    but its hardly the only reason people should code, and this increasingly typical article is not addressing the thing itself– theyre only addressing the single biggest excuse. and theyre throwing out the baby with the bathwater, like these articles tend to do.
