Java and Python both have collection types (or compound data types). For a general introduction into collection types, you might want to have a look at Wikipedia.
One of the most basic collection types is a list. In Java, you use the interface java.util.List to work with a list. This interface has several implementations like ArrayList and LinkedList, both in package java.util. The interface and implementations are part of the extensive collections framework. The Java Tutorial has a nice introduction into the collections framework.
You can create a list as follows.
List stringList = new ArrayList(); stringList.add("foo"); stringList.add("bar"); stringList.add("baz");
Note: before JDK 7, you had to use new ArrayList(). JDK 7 introduced the diamond operator .
The List interface provides all the functionality you would expect. You can ask for the length (or size), access elements by index, lookup elements, ask for a subset, iterate over the list or change elements by index.
List subList = stringList.subList(0, 2);
for (String s : subList) {
subList.set(1, “baz”);
for (String s : subList) {
In Python, lists are built into the language. You create a list using square brackets.
>>> mylist = ['spam', 'eggs', 'bacon']
The available operations are very similar to what you can do with java.util.List. Ask for the length, access elements by index, lookup elements, ask for a subset, iterate over the list or change elements by index.
>>> len(mylist) 3 >>> mylist[0] 'spam' >>> mylist[2] 'bacon' >>> mylist.index('eggs') 1 >>> sublist = mylist[0:2] >>> for s in sublist: ... print(s) ... spam eggs >>> sublist[1] = 'bacon' >>> for s in sublist: ... print(s) ... spam bacon >>>
Of course, there’s much more that can be done with lists. I suggest that you have a look at the Python documentation on data structures.